Hadees in Arabic,Urdu and English language

On 9:03 AM by Islamic Duniya in    No comments
Nu'man ibne-Bashir Radiyallahu 'anhuma narrates that Rasulullah Sallallahu 'alaihi wasallam said: The example of the person abiding by Allah's orders and restrictions and the one who is not, is like those who drew lots for their position in a ship. Some of them settled in the upper part and others in the lower. When those who were in the lower part needed water, they had to pass by those (with water) who were on the upper part. So they said: Let us make
a hole in our part of the ship and save troubling those who are above us. So, if the people in the upper part let them do what they intended, they would all perish. And if they stopped them with their hands, they would be saved and all would be saved. (Sahih Bukhari)


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